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What are some ways we can help you
What are some ways we can help you
My parents are separating, and I don’t know who I’ll be with or what will happen
I see dad or mum very little
Mum or dad took me to another country
Mum or dad doesn't pay child support
I live in a facility or somewhere other than with my parents
I have been or will be adopted into another country
I don’t know who my dad is
I'm waiting for a court hearing or an interview with an Umpod employee
I need another help
Our team
Children's rights
Complaints about Umpod
Interactive form - Kids EN UMPOD
Interactive form
Items marked with an asterisk are mandatory
Your full name
This field is mandatory.
Number must be filled in.
What state do you live in?
What state does your mom live in?
What state does your dad live in?
Describe to us the situation you are dealing with and what you need help with.
How can we answer you?
postal address
Fill in the contact information
This field is mandatory.