What are some ways we can help you?

My parents are separating and I don’t know who I’ll be with and what will happen

My parents are separating and I don’t know who I’ll be with and what will happen

I see Dad or Mum very little

I see Dad or Mum very little

Mum or Dad took me to another country

Mum or Dad took me to another country

Mum or Dad doesn’t pay the maintenance

Mum or Dad doesn’t pay the maintenance

I live in a facility or elsewhere than with my parents

I live in a facility or elsewhere than with my parents

I have been or will be adopted to another country

I have been or will be adopted to another country

I don’t know who my dad or mum is

I don’t know who my dad or mum is

I’m waiting for the court hearing, mediation or an interview with an Umpod employee

I’m waiting for the court hearing, mediation or an interview with an Umpod employee

I need another help

I need another help
